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Issue 12.4 ('Game Center')
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Table Of Contents

Issue 12.4 (July/August 2014)

Column World Cup Fever: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Review Take Control of Automating Your Mac (Page 12)
Review xScope 4 (Page 13)
Feature What About Swift?: Apple Introduces a New Language (Page 14)
Feature Inside ServerSocket: Getting Started with the ServerSocket (Page 19)
Feature Writing OS X Apps for Game Center: Getting started by authenticating the local player with the Game Center Sandbox testing facility (Page 23)
Feature Mercurial and Xojo: Code and Version Control go together like peanut butter and jelly (Page 34)
Column Working Around Encapsulation: Encapsulation is good, but can cause problems (Page 49)
Column We Are Xojo: A Canadian Xojo User (Page 54)
Column Usable Code: Make code usable before you worry about re-use (Page 58)
Column Go to the Source: Where to Find Xojo Source Code (Page 60)
Column Database Design Always Matters III: Spend a little time up front or a lot more time later (Page 63)
Column Eureka!: Tips and Tricks for the Xojo Developer (Page 71)
Column Lookie Here, Lookie There: Using Regular Expression Lookarounds (Page 79)


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