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Issue 5.6


Dynamic RB, Part 1

Using RBScript for interactive action

Issue: 5.6 (September/October 2007)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: Marc taught himself programming in high school when he bought his first computer but had no money for software. He's had fun learning ever since.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 24,926
Starting Page Number: 34
Article Number: 5612
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Excerpt of article text...

In last issue's Beginner's Corner I introduced RBScripting. Today we're going to continue with that lesson with a more advanced use of RBScripting by exploring one of my favorite uses: adding a plugin system to your application.

What is a plugin system?

If you're not familiar with plugins, they are simple additions that add functionality to existing programs without the program having to be recompiled. The most famous example is Adobe Photoshop: you can buy third party plugins that give you new image filters or unusual effects. Even REALbasic itself supports a plugin system: if you install the Monkeybread Plugin, for instance, it adds over 14,000 new commands to REAlbasic.

Traditional plugins are a special type of compiled code written according to a specification by the parent program maker. When the user asks for your plugin to do something, the parent program passes control to your plugin code which is then executed. Unfortunately, at this time REALbasic does not have a way to make these kinds of plugins (though it is a popular request).

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.