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Issue 7.5


A Plugin System

Issue: 7.5 (July/August 2009)
Author: Thomas Tempelmann
Author Bio: Thomas Tempelmann is This article is an updated version of an article that originally appeared on Thomas' website (http://www.tempel.org/PluginArchitectureWithREALbasic).
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 17,012
Starting Page Number: 27
Article Number: 7511
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Excerpt of article text...

This article will give some ideas on how to use REALbasic's RBScript feature to add plugins to a REALbasic application. A plugin is hereby defined as a program that can be added to the already-built application and executed at the app's discretion.

An example

In the next paragraphs I will suggest some ideas based on the following example: design for a search app similar to Apple's "Spotlight" feature.

The app shall be a tool to search for text in many files. While the app has hard-coded routines to search for text in a single file, it wants to allow plugins to convert binary files into text files where appropriate. Imagine documents from applications such as Word (.doc), Acrobat (.pdf), and even REALbasic (.rbp), which, when opened in a plain text editor, show a lot of gibberish that you don't want to have searched. Instead, you want it all readable.

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.